Interview: Oceanvs Orientalis | A Miraculous Sound With The Combination Of Different Genres

My next guest in the interview series is Oceanvs Orientalis who succeeded in coming to the forefront with his unique style.

Oceanvs Orientalis (Safak Ozkutle) is accepted as one of the most prominent artists who is able to preserve his place for a long time. Producing such great tracks by getting inspired from Turkish culture and the historical journey of the music, the artist put his signature under important successes.

The artist believes that everything comes from the culture of East and he has been performing all around the world since the year 2011. Until now, he performed in such amazing festivals like Burning Man and he was one of the artists who performed at Heart Ibiza within “Acid Sundays”, held by Acid Pauli.

If you want to listen him, make sure that you have this weekend all free: he is one of the names who will perform on the second day of Chill-Out Festival! Besides, Matthias Meyer, Satori, Tony Allen & His Afrobeat Orchestra and Syke & Ross (Morcheeba) are some of the names that we will listen during the festival.

For more information about the upcoming festival you can click here.

Hello, firstly thanks for accepting my interview request. How have you been doing lately? What are you doing nowadays? Could you tell us about your life?

Hello. Everything is in order for now. I prepared and sent my EP on which I had been working on for a long time. It will be released around September. It has a different style. Idil Mese accompanied all the tracks with her beautiful voice. I liked it.

I think that you open new doors to the audience with your music style, tracks and performances, both globally and locally. What is the reason for people to head for that kind of style instead of house and techno music? What do you think?

I think all genres have their own audience for every period. It is hard to talk about the fact that whether the general audience or the audience around us listen this kind of music. Ultimately there is a huge audience who listens house and techno music. On the other hand, we need a change. We live in a time in which we produce and consume very fast. I just found a place for myself in the needs and in a part of this inevitable loop. Like the audience of the genre but just in the part of producer of the work.

You are an artist who perform all around the world, which festival or country was the special place for you to perform?

I guess São Paulo, Burning Man and Garbicz Festival rank as the places that I never forget.

What Oceanvs Orientalis is getting ready to do this summer and in the following year? Do you continue producing, are you in tour or are you going to be on tour?

I will be on tour during the whole summer season. I will be touring in America in the upcoming days for 20 days. Then music productions continues on flights, in hotel rooms and in the studio from time to time. I am working on a band project. A project of a small choir along with a live performance of many instruments on the stage. I am preparing my album as well.

Lastly, we know that you are going to perform during Chill-Out Festival. Do you any message for the festival people and what do you think of Chill-Out Festival?

Chill-Out Festival is one of the most professional joyous organisations that I worked in Turkey. They always supported me from the beginning, I am thankful. I was pleased with every organisation. I think especially during these periods we need to support and show the necessary interest in any kind of big or small music and art organisations. Otherwise, we may lose all our colours completely.

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